Latest news
- The top 10 most expensive home sales in Oakland, reported the week of May 29
- Federal regulators to require automatic emergency braking on heavy trucks and buses
- Skelton: On Delta tunnel, Newsom should know his limitations
- A SpaceX rocket arcs across the California sky, hurling internet satellites to the heavens
- Opinion: Military recruiting crisis requires immediate call to action
- Fans raise security questions after shooting at Insomniac Events festival in Washington leaves two former California residents dead
- California cop arrested for off-duty assault, stabbing at bar
- Photos: Endangered blue whales hanging out off California coast
- Official says about 350 Pakistanis were on boat carrying migrants that sank off Greece last week and many may have died
- La lucha por derogar una de las leyes de aborto más obsoletas del mundo se está llevando a cabo en Reino Unido